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Indie feature film directed by Cindy Gzaiel. She filmed her own daily life from 2016 to 2020, between France and Israel.
Becoming war reporter at the age of 20, discovering an Israeli youth fleeing its war traumas through rave parties, we follow her through her initiatory journey, with the strong need of feeling alive.
It should be out during the course of 2023.
I worked on this movie as a dialogue editor, sound editor and foley artist. An important work of sound restauration had to be conducted due to very rudimentary filming conditions.
The picture on the right shows the full Pro Tools session at the sound edit step (more than 300 tracks).
You can see the dialogue and ADR tracks on the top in blue, then all the sound effects (foleys, preps, cars, etc…) tracks in green. Music tracks are in red, just on top of the SFX tracks in purple. Finally ambiences and wallas are in green and you can see my reverbs auxiliaries right below.